Artificial Intelligence - Unlocking the Future of Drug Discovery and Development

National Press Club, Washington DC
Thursday, October 10, 2024


Biopharmaceutical companies, patient communities, and regulators have been increasingly exploring artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline, improve, and participate in drug discovery and development. The emergence of generative AI applications has catapulted the importance of AI in popular imagination and provides an immediate impetus to widely and deeply explore the role of AI in drug discovery and development. This symposium will explore established applications, challenges and gaps, areas of growth, and enablers for maximizing impact while ensuring equity and inclusion in the use of AI.

Attendees can expect to:

Presentations will include: 


This event is open to the public. IQ membership is not required to attend. 


National Press Club

529 14th St NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC 20045