IQ Statistics Leadership Group, Biostatistics/CMC Forum Webinar Pt. 1 - 16 July
April 16, 2021
Intro to Computational Bayesian Methods for Chemistry, Manufacturing & Controls in the Pharmaceutical Industry Pt 1
Presenters: José G. Ramírez (Amgen Inc.) and Fang Chen (SAS Institute Inc.)
Sponsored by the IQ Statistics Leadership Group, Biostatistics/CMC Forum
The first webinar examines some questions of interest in the nonclinical framework and reviews key differences between Bayesian and frequentist treatments of these issues. In addition, software plays an important role in the modern-day Bayesian paradigm, and we devote the second part of the first webinar to introduce some useful computational tools. PROC MCMC is a general-purpose procedure that is well suited to simulating and exploring Bayesian models. PROC BGLIMM provides full Bayesian inference for generalized linear mixed-effects models. We introduce these procedures and describe how to use them for estimation, inference, and prediction.
The main objective of this webinar is to familiarize attendees with the essentials of Bayesian techniques and to equip them with useful Bayesian computational tools through worked-out examples drawn from common situations in the CMC area of the pharmaceutical industry.